Terrible news...

I don't wanna say this... I really don't... But Rex just...left the project...

We tried to work it out with my team...it backfired...I don't wanna go into detail...

I've got no motivation left...no spirit that keeps me going...I can't work on my game anymore...I just can't...

I feel like I'm suffering severe depression right now...I'm completely f*cked up...

I'm close to cancelling this project entirely...

The only things holding me back are that it became my life's work at this point...and because I don't wanna do this to you...I really don't want to do this...

I don't know if I will ever recover from it...all I know is that my enthusiasm is gone...

If you have any questions...leave them here...but don't expect me to answer quickly...if at all...

This project is not cancelled yet...I'm trying to fight that urge...I don't wanna do this to you...

I'm not feeling well...

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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Good Day Yuuto. You probably won’t read this but I want to encourage to continue the novel I loved this novel and was one of the best things that’s happened to me and I enjoy this I even wanna help in creating it I understand the depression it’s like your fighting for your life everyday and it feels hopeless but look around you there are people like me who LOVE what you’ve done and I pray and hope you recover because I and all of your fans love you and your creation that you put your blood sweat and tears into don’t give up bro I wanna see you succeed stay strong bro


Why cant i access the hentai menue?


Hello, Yuuto. I've played FNIA GOLDEN AGE before and it left me so much happiness when I was feeling depressed and lonely. I honestly admired how much positive and caring your game was. The story and characters how they show care and support changed me so much. Thanks for what you did for us. To hearing your condition I am very sorry to hear that. You are not alone with this. We are here to support you! :)

Stay strong bro. Take a break if you need but probaly everyone would hate the hard work put in this game go down the drain

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I wanted to message you directly. I don't really like talking about something serious with eyes everywhere, but I figure if this is the only way I can communicate, then so be it. I get your sad about this. I can understand that. I know losing someone that is important to the team and feelings like there is nowhere else to go. I know what that is like. I can understand what you mean when you say that you don't want to quit the project because of us, and that shows us who you are as a creator. Humans always wanted to seek validation from others. That is just how we are made.

     Though, you have to understand that just because someone left, it is not the end. It is a setback. My advice. Take a break. Take some time for yourself and to think to yourself. If this is something you truly love, then you will come back stronger. If not, then that is no problem either. It is still a great game nonetheless. Memories were made and people had fun. Not everything is going to workout. Think of it like a marriage. You love and work with your partner and you can't imagine a life without them, but then you both argue a little more and then finally the worst nightmare of yours becomes a reality and you get a divorce. You are going to feel down. You are going to feel sad. You are going to feel worthless, but you aren't going to stay down forever. Eventually, time will heal things. Time will give you things to think about. Time will give you the ability to form a new plan and before you know it, you are back stronger than last time.

Remember. These were your own words. "Bad news...(Don't Worry! Nothing gets cancelled!)". Not the same context, but the same meaning.

You should probably take a break


I was always told life was unfair and unpredictable and shit happens, so what, you dont let life win no matter what, NEVER GIVE UP, YOU KEEP GOING UNTIL YOU CANT, YOU KICK LIFE BACK IN THE ASS TWICE AS HARD AS IT KICKED YOU, I BELIEVE IN YOU AND YOUR TEAM

dont give up man, unless you need to but i would hate to see all this hard work go to waste. your awesome bro and i hope you get better, keep on trucking man

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Here's something to know... if you give up your dreams, you have nothing else to do in life that matters most to you, so don't give up on them. If your dreams feel far away, only reach further to them. Cling on to hopes and dreams. Even if Rex left, we still have you, the original creator. This game has intense potential, you just need to cling onto your dreams after you find them again. Just work harder, and push through the pain. Depression kills many every year, don't let one of them be you. What's the point of being depressed and quitting on your dreams? No point. So go, and finish fnia: the golden age! If you need someone to talk about your problems with, don't forget we're here. a whole fandom. a community supporting you to help you get out of the ground and rise.

Don't give up on your passion. Take a breather and collect your thoughts. Take a pause on your project and Take your time to relieve your soul. If you ever need help, your community will support you. We your community know you can pull through this, we know you can do better without Rex. Your Community won't leave you.


if you get this. take a minuet to breath. i was told this from one of my friends. when you get knocked down its ok to lay there for a minuet. breath think and recover. once you calm yourself and think things threw get up and go on. there also no shame in asking for help when you need it. you've been working on this for a long time perhaps it may be time for a new project a new passion. tho if you want to continue with this i suggest taking a break from it, its giving you a lot of stress. sometimes going for a walk gives the fresh air you need.


Bro, you really can't do this to yourself. If you really feel like you have zero motivation left, cancelling the project is the best option. Or at least, putting it on hiatus. Take a mental health break, you deserve one. Everyone who contributed to the project does. This is without a shadow of a doubt in my top 3 best visual novels I've ever played. And no cancellation will ever intersect that. If the project is truly not what you want to have to deal with in your life right now, it shouldn't be. Depression is no joke. Your top priority right now should be working on yourself. So go on, fight it, because you can't let this stop your will to live. If you manage to get through this stage, which I know you can, maybe you'll want to make another statement here. If not, that's totally fine. You should do what truly makes you feel better, man.


So many comments and so much support from people all over the world telling you to get better, if this isn't proof you have built something great then i don't know what is. Get better and get your life in check, finish this project when you feel like finishing it but even if you end the project right here nobody is going to forget this, this will be a fond memory in the back of all our heads

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I say take a long break to get your life in order, find your way again, fight this thing bringing you down. Depression isn't easy to shake, especially when you lose something important. So get rest, make a plans for yourself like a long vacation or something you want, and if that doesn't work get help. Call people you trust or talk to people who are familiar with this pain. I'm not experienced with these situations, but I want the best for you so do not give up, not on yourself or your work. Because that would be the worst thing possible.

FNIA Studios says they will help with the project if need be. They have made progress in their own work. So calling on them to help could work. Just try to remember your vision and keep to it. Don't give up.

Please get well Yuuto Katsuki


I love this game, to the point where I would pay to play it. I am truly sorry for what happened and I hope you'll soon realize that you have a lot of fans with you, willing to help you. I hope you'll get better soon

if you need to cancel the project, then so be it, the community can take over, your health is the most important think

Man, I've been looking at you and your team work for over a year through your dev. logs in my emails since I tried distancing myself from this game. You can't give up yet!

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here you go I hope this helps  and if you ever need me my discord is pinkamena66612 if you ever need to vent

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I know people will not be fond of this idea but I will say it.

Can I suggest try using AI to enhance the characters and background that is already there? AI generation can help with replicating.

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There is 3d character like either models used in the 3d classic before Frenni, Bonfie, and Chiku, or MMD which has what you would need. Yet I only noticed the MMD versions has Lolbit, FT Chica, and Shadow Bonnie skins bisides the 10 which I know of that have the BB model. There are visual novels that used MMD character models. Now that I recall there is one MMD model that FNIA studios used for William Afton in their novel. There is 4 MMD Bonnie skins(Bonnie, SpringBonnie, Shadowbonnir, and surprisingly Bunzo Bunny), 3 MMD foxy skins(foxy, mangle, lolbit), 2 MMD freddy skins(freddy, goldy), 2 MMD Chica skins(Cica, FT chica), MMD BB, and MMD puppet that I know of.

pls dont cancle  the project i know you can do it i know you can

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