Good news

Hey guys...

First of all...I want to thank all of you for your support and for staying by my side through out this difficult time. And I'm really sorry I made everyone of you worry...

And I'm genuenly happy to announce that I have actual good news.

After many conversations between the group and Rex, we were able to reach an agreement, where he will continue in the project, but for now he will remain out as he needs to rest a little from the project. Same goes for me for the time being, as I still need to recover from previous events and find myself again. But with the mirracle that happened, I can see it happen finally.

This project is definetly still alive. We all just need time to recollect ourselves.

With that, I'm happy to say: I will see you again sooner or later.

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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good on ya and him, nice too see adults being adults and actually being able to talk things out and be rational despite differances




I was unironically not expecting this. That one's on me, I mean, what could I expect? There's been so many hurdles along the way, you've overcome them all. You always fell once, got up twice. Honestly, my excitement that you're actually taking a break to get a hold of yourselves cannot be expressed through text. I hope you can all get through this, it's not easy, but you can do it. I believe in you, all of you.


Yall deserve your break we all love ya!


Bouncing back is an incredible accomplishment. I hope you, Rex, and your team get the needed time to yourselves, you deserve it. Please come back whenever you feel ready Yuuto-Katsuki, cause I will be here waiting however long it takes.

Good luck and thank you.


Nice! your back


Congrats man Wish you luck


I Hope you will keep up, but you and Rex will be better, Take your Time

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I’m glad that everything turned out well!  


Glad to hear that things are getting better, tkae the time you both need, Rex and you. 


From raging storms to calm seas the ship still sails. So as the future successes to come.


I believed, and GOD has delivered, Oncore!!!!!!!!








To both you and rex, take all the time you need!


When you fall all the way down. The only direction left to go is back up. God speed.


I'm very glad your feeling okay :). Keep it up great work! Thanks for making Golden age ngl