Bad news...(Don't Worry! Nothing gets cancelled!)

First off, don't worry! Nothing bad happens with the game! 

It's about the situation our artist Rex has to deal with on twitter. Since he's in Brazil, his account will unfortunetly be inaccessable to him, because Brazil restricts Twitter from everyone who lives there, and VPN won't work either or be a huge risk due to then be fined if caught.

That's where I'll ask you guys for help to follow and support this man on other social media that he also listed on his newest post:

Deviantart -

Newgrounds -

Bluesky -

Kookie -

Please support him guys, he's a great friend and we wouldn't be where we are without him. 

To those who followed him on twitter, thank you so much for sticking to him till the very end. I hope you can move on to other social media and support him there!

That will be all. I'm sorry for the bad news, but I hope the next news will be better!

See you guys.

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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(1 edit)

It wont let me go to hentai Section pls help its says hentai in purple text n when i klick nothing happeneds

They're not finished


It's a sad day. But we have good functional alternatives to use. So we still good. I wish Rex the best.


yeah me too it's not like he doesn't have any social media anymore I hope he does fine with blue sky


As long as everyone knows where to go, Rex is good.