Mangle is getting REMASTERED!!!

Hey guys!

Hope you're doing well!

I wanted to quickly notify you that the cute and wholesome sister of Foxy is getting remastered! You heared that right! Mangle is getting a rework! And she's looking phenomenal! :D

See for yourselves!

There will be more expressions coming up of course, but the first step has been done! Other progress of the game is also going well!

I'll probably see you guys again once Mangle is finished or anything else pops up!

See you soon! :D

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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Amazing work! I can really see the difference  between the current and the redesign!  But I have one question... How are you gonna redesign the Puppet? I was thinking about it for a while now but I have no clue how you and your team gonna do it... Oh but don't let that slow you down!  All the other redesign including this one you and your team showed us is amazing 10/10 and yeah, keep up the good work and remember... 

Never Give Up!

Sorry if this sounds a little cheesy but this was just an idea that popped into my mind and didn't leave. Also I just wanted to remind you to never give up :)  God speed my dude, God speed.

Thanks for those motivating words!

As for puppet, her design was already perfect, so she will, like chica, get a fresh up, to make her look more in line with the others.

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Got it, thanks! :)

I can't wait to see the full game, mangle looks so cute haha. keep up the work bro and good luck



holy shit mangle has clothes now, i find this rather swag, keep up the good work. both of you

Thanks! We will! :D

I personally don't like it. Not because I don't like the design, but because I need a side-by-side comparison to really compare it to the prior form. No offense meant, but if there is a difference it is preferable to have two images to really see what changed.

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That's the one currently in the game.

This is the version that will be in the game at some point!

That definitely is an improvement then. Thanks for showing me! =D


Glad I could convince you then ^^

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Yess, finally. Mangle is my favourite of them all. But that is because she was the first to be given a personality. Other than that, all equal. Anyways, great improvement πŸ˜²πŸ‘


Yeah, before Mangle was the only unique one in terms of personality. But I made sure she wouldn't be the only one with golden age! >:)

How many characters are left to redesign? 


6 I think. If you only count the animatronic girls.

I nearly cried of joy seeing the amount of cuteness of MangleπŸ˜…

(Much better than comically nude with an acception of a bow)πŸ‘

Any thoughts on the X replacing the Blue Bird? (Twitter)


Glad you love Mangle!

As for "X", no comment, as long as it works 🀣

When the first part of the update will be ready? Is there an approximate date? Pls I love this visual novel

Don't know. It's gonna be ready mostly when all the characters are redesigned

so far this is my favorite redesign/remaster of any of the characters, and it makes me more excited for BB's redesign!


I'm excited to see BB too in the future! :D

my queen god i love her hehe





If the previous design was adorable, this is twice as adorable, as always Rex doing a great job 


I agree! :D

rex always surprising!


He always is! ^^