Chica has a NOSE now!

Heya guys,

I uploaded this on Twitter already, but I also wanted to share it here. Many said that chicas face looked weird, which in my opinion had something to do with her non-present nose. So how do you find it? Looks good for me :D

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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Now that she has a nose, I kinda wanna boop it

Same XD

Same XD


Bro, this is The best visual novel i ever played! The story is Very good and The plot Twist in The final is good too! Keep The good work and if u can add portuguese language!


Thanks for the feedback ^^

As for language, it will only be in english


seems pretty good! but... for me, the hand without fingers is still weird... (for me at least)


Working on it ;)

It's been a while since we've spoken...  But nice job with the project so far! Also, your grammar has improved a lot in the last.... 3 or 4 months since the last time we talked.

Been a while yeah. Progress is slow yeah, but at least we are doing...something...XD

Well isn't my man yuuto making progress here

So the first thing I see is the nose not even reading that I see the nose but still this makes a difference 

The nose is a small difference yeah, but a needed change on top. Small differences can be big

Looks good bro, following this project is being cool. Ty

Thanks X)


Ok very cool, but now you have to change the game poster XD

I will eventually when the update is maybe closer for release XD

Nice! keep up the good work :)

Thanks 😁

Deleted 134 days ago

Thanks :D

That....actually....just a few pixels...

Nothing is really changed on my opinion.

Yeah, but you know how much little differences can matter

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XD I never noticed the lack of a nose. i think Krillen from dbz made me use to it.


same here lmfao doing an long till the update is done? Im just curious, not tryna be rude :D

I never really know, but I fear not this year anymore, but I'll try at least. But doing the H-scenes will tale a long time...

But it's long overdo.

ah, i guess it is understandable. Still, dont overwork yourself mate, you and your artists. All of you take your time. Cant wait for the finished product.

I'm hyped for the results as well. And thanks for motivating me and my team :D


Impossible... (but fr looks 10x better)

finally someone who like it XD

who isn't liking it? there wrong, and my opinion is better anyway.

lmao thanks XDD

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It just looks more weird. 

By the way, what time is it in Germany when you see this comment? If you see it. 

currently 19:45