Break's over (for now)

Hey fellas, been a while.

So with this, (as the title states, duh) I let you know that my "planned" break is over, eventhough it didn't quite go as planned, but I will make some in the future and pray that they won't get flooded with bullshit again. But eitherway, I'll need some time to get the hang of renpy again, as well as knowing what stuff I should put in and I cannot wait to see my girls again XD

Stay tuned.

Get FNIA The Golden Age


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Each post is getting me more hyped for this game especially since so many Fnia games get cancelled

That's why I'm determined to never cancel mine ;)

the last part was funny also take ur time I bet is going to come out amazing.

Hope so XD

take your time man! don't rush yourself, and hey enjoy doing what you do <3


That I do :)